Women and their Olive Trees, Art for Peace

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09 October 2015
Women and their Olive Trees, Art for Peace
Pavilion of Israel

Women and the Olive Tree, from the symbol to the work
25 Israeli Jewish, Muslim and Christian women in Afula's WIZO center, together paint a subject: the Olive Tree. An extraordinary message of peace and coexistence through culture and art.

Welcoming with bread and oil

Bread, that has always been present in the history of many people, represents what it is essential for life. It evokes golden wheat, hands that knead, hands that break and share...
Oil is what gives knowledge, taste for food. It immediately recalls the sunny Mediterranean landscape and the plant from whose fruit man has been producing it for centuries, that Olive Tree which from the Biblical narration is a symbol of peace.
Offering bread and oil express the desire of a humanity that has not only what is necessary for life, but can also enjoy that peace that light and knowledge give its existence.



