When Fascism and Nazism ended, in September 1945 a delegation composed of Raffaele Cantoni (President of the Jewish Community of Milan), Moshe Zeiri and Teddy Beeri (of the Sappers "Solel Boneh" of the British Army) obtained from the CLN of Milan the colony " Sciesopoli " for Jewish children who had been orphaned, survivors of the Shoah, who escaped its extermination. In Selvino they found "a long-dreamed of paradise, a fairytale castle and they hardly realized they were free, and reborn". The people of Selvino received them with generosity and brought their smile back. Those children, brought back to life, between 1945 and 1948, with the help of the Jewish Community and the Municipality of Milan, the soldiers of the Jewish Brigade, the former partisans and many others, left clandestinely for Mandatory Palestine where a new future, the State of Israel, was being built. About 800 "children of Selvino" found in "Sciesopoli" a new meaning to their lives. The old colony, a masterpiece of the rationalist architecture of the architect Vietti-Violi, is today unusable, completely abandoned. Sciesopoli in Selvino was one of the fundamental places of the Bricha affair (the escape) and of the matter of Alyah Beth, one of the most significant refugee camps set up in Italy for Jewish Displaced Persons. Our goal is to save its memory.